Photo by Daniel K.B. Schmidt


Dani Brown is a practicing choreographer and performing artist for more than 20 years. At the center of her practice is the representation of the queer femme body and the incessant, male dominated, yet collective, effort to categorize and ascribe meaning onto the very essence of the femme - a place we all come from, a source of life, a bleeding elasticity, a constant flux, ever morphing and ungraspable. Brown’s work rears and flexes with provoking the gaze and simultaneously defying categorization as she slips beyond the grasp of any claim of ownership, pinning down or possessing a hold on the femme body. An encounter always fleeing the totality of sameness, an encounter that is always a place of otherness.


WITCHES #23.06.15 

June 2015

Direction: Dani Brown
Camera: Gael Cleinow
Performance:  Frida Giulia Franceschini, Margrét Bjarnadóttir, Viktoria Andersson

Supported by: O Espaço do Tempo


June 2016

Direction, Styling, Camera: Dani Brown
Models: Frida Giulia Franceschini, Viktoria Andersson

Supported by: O Espaço do Tempo

VISION #26.06.15 

June 2015

Direction: Dani Brown
Camera: Gael Cleinow
Performance: Frida Giulia Franceschini, Margrét Bjarnadóttir, Viktoria Andersson

Supported by: O Espaço do Tempo



April 2013

Direction, Performance: Dani Brown, Justin Kennedy
Mapping, Live Sound: Gael Cleinow
Dramaturgical Advice: Ivona Sijakovic
Guest Performer: Matthew Rogers
Production Manager: Lina Klingebeil
Technic: Henning Eggers, Christian Eimann, Robert Fass, Tobias Gronau
Pics, Video: Daniel K.B. Schmidt

Produced by: FINGERSIX, Kampnagel
Supported by: Le Pacifique CDC, ImPulsTanz, Palmen24
Funded by: Kulturbehörde Hamburg

HOME is a very personal performance ritual - one in which the audience constantly gets further drawn into.

The two dance artists Dani Brown and Justin Kennedy locate their home in the halls of Kampnagel. Visual philosopher and sound artist Gael Cleinow joins the power duo - the group describes their energetic connection as a “triangular connection of light”.

In HOME, they show the stage as a territory to be discovered, the mysterious laws of which we have to face. While the theater space has been transformed into a mystical, lonely island, the performers continue to transform themselves. They constantly change their shape and posture between longing projection and ironic trash. In this way, a cosmos of song and film quotes is formed into a New Age dream. In this way, the group contrasts global nomadism with its concept of home, which they understand beyond territorial boundaries as a paradigm of identity creation and (pop) cultural affiliation.

Thanks to: the Ehni's, Ivo, Rio, Le Pacifique, Rainer, Ivona, Henning, Gobi, Christian, Tobi, Holli, Vanessa, New Saigon, Our moms, queers and cheerleaders! Special thanks to the silence.


December 2012

Direction, Performance: Dani Brown
Guest Director: Melina Seldes
Guest Performer: Gael Cleinow
Sound, Voice Coach:  Alessio Castellacci
Live Sound: Gael Cleinow
Light Design: Henning Eggers
Management: Jackson Klein
Pics, Video: Daniel K.B. Schmidt

Produced by: FINGERSIX, Kampnagel, DanseFestival Barents
Supported by: K3 Tanzplan Hamburg, LePacifique CDC, Surviving Dance, Garage 29, TRYangle, ImPulsTanz
Funded by: Hamburgische Kulturstiftung

"For her first solo project, the Berlin-based American artist Dani Brown invited a guest into her studio: the devil himself. Tempted by his infinite power of play, creation, and destruction she slips into a variety of figures, defining the limits of the "solo" form while presenting her very personal solo strategy. 

Together with her accomplice, she drives a consistent chaos and transformation-game testing how far she can push her relationship with the audience, and how the boundaries of the symbolic ritual of theater can be reset. 

HOW DO YOU IMAGINE THE DEVIL is a joyful play of identities, borders and the forbidden - the devil is our witness."

Melanie Zimmermann, Dramaturgy Kampnagel


April 2010

Choreography, Direction: Dani Brown, Marta Navaridas
Performance: Florencia Demestri, Alex Deutinger, Felix Stroebel, Jihae Ko
Sound: Alessio Castellacci
Set: Pablo Narezo, Gonzalo Barahona
Pics, Video: Daniel K.B. Schmidt

Produced by: FINGERSIX, Kampnagel
Funded by: Kulturbehörde Hamburg, Gobierno Vasco, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung

IT’S GONNA BLOW is a performance with three dancers and an actor. The work ticks with cultural prejudice and mediatized ideals of beauty, power, scandal and filth. The members of the international performance collective Fingersix shamelessly transform mechanisms of representation!

Maybe it’s a beauty pageant. Maybe it’s an ontological reflection on the meaning of the Universe. Maybe there will be meat. Maybe we know what you think. Maybe it’s a night in a titty bar. Maybe there is a terrorist attack. Maybe it’s paradise now. Maybe it’s not.


January 2008

Choreography, Direction: Dani Brown, Marta Navaridas
Performance:  Alessio Castellacci, Monica CoronadoAlex Deutinger
SoundAlessio Castellacci
Video: Daniel K.B. Schmidt

Produced by: Fingersix, Kampnagel
Funded by:  Kulturbehörde Hamburg, Gobierno Vasco

In their acclaimed production, upcoming choreographers Dani Brown and Marta Navaridas have come together to create an evening of suspense. Inspired by the work of contemporary filmmaker David Lynch, they have set out to translate mechanisms  of suspense from cinema to the stage. Running on the speculation that an inherent element of suspense is curiosity for the unknown, the two directors have fine-tuned various performative elements to keep the audience alert and guessing at every turn.

Flashbacks, shadows, visions, confessions, and a tinge of sadistic irony – employed to weave an intriguing atmosphere of suspense, where the line between theater and reality is simultaneously emphasized and blurred.